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How Many Students Are Moving to Boston?

Boston is one of the largest hubs for students from all over the world. Each year the number of new students growing. For example, in 2000 about 136 000 students enrolled in universities in Boston and in 2010, there were already over 150 000 new ones.

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

The 1st of September

When moving to Boston as a student you have to remember, that the day you are going to move in, is going to be crazy! The busiest days for the moving industry are the 1st of September – the day when all students are moving. Some people rent trucks and stuck on roads like Storrow drive because there is a limit of height of the vehicle, others hire professional moving companies like Born to Move to avoid such situations. Hiring experienced movers can be really expensive at the end of August and the beginning of September because of high demand, prices double.

Many people to avoid this try to hire movers 2-3 months in advance and In most cases, prices are still high.

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

Most of the students are moving to the places that are close to their college, and on the day of t the move these streets are full of trucks and it’s impossible to even park. Police even drive around and ask to move trucks or even tow them to avoid blocking streets.

For such cases, every student that moves to Boston should get a parking permit that will guarantee you space in front of your entrance and even save you time, so movers don’t have to walk long distances from truck to your apartment. The same things happen with elevators – students should book them in advance.

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

A lot of students in Boston that moving on the same day is a huge problem for everyone in Boston, so if you want to avoid these crazy situations just go for a vacation for a week and come back when it’s all done.


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