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How to Pack Things when Moving a House

How to Pick Things Out to Keep by Creating a List

Obviously, if you are moving permanently you will need to move or get rid of all of your belongings including furniture, household items, appliances, clothing, outdoor items such as grills and patio furniture, and all sorts of knickknacks most of us keep in our garages and storage rooms.

One helpful way to get prepared is to create a list of groups (or categories) of items that you need to move. Using generic categories as mentioned above, and only listing larger items in detail will save you time from creating a full inventory of your belongings. You can add one additional category for items you are willing to part with either by donating, selling or simply throwing away. For safety reasons, it’s best to leave behind items such as fire extinguishers and old car batteries.

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Things To Remember When Packing

When working on your list it may be helpful to walk around your house, garage, and yard to ensure you are not forgetting anything behind. Some easy things to forget in the yard may be garden hoses, gardening tools, potted plants, bird houses, solar lights, and garden statues. Another area you need to remember to check is the attic.

Depending on how long you’ve lived in your current house, there may be some treasured heirlooms or other valuable items such as sports and camping equipment and holiday decorations that you would prefer not to leave behind. Inside the house, check all closets, cabinets and pantry rooms. Don’t forget to peek inside your AC and laundry closets.

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

Easy Things to Forget When Packing

Once you have your list ready, the next step would be to do the actual packing. If you know you will be moving ahead of time, it would be smart to start saving boxes from online orders and large items you purchase. That way, when moving day nears, you will have a good stockpile.

Keep in mind that you will probably need more boxes that you think! If your moving plans were unexpected, you can try and find some boxes for free at grocery stores, warehouse and home improvement stores or at your neighbors. In either case, a little resourcefulness can save you from having to buy the boxes.

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

How Not to Forget Items When Packing

Make sure you have a few Sharpies handy to label the boxes and tape to seal them. It sounds like extra work but your belongings will be better protected in sealed boxes, and having each box labeled with its contents will save you time once you are rushing to settle in your new place. When filling up those boxes, try to keep items from the same room together.

Once in your new house, it will be easier to unpack when you know ahead of time what’s in the box and which room the items belong to. Make sure to use plenty of old newspapers or bubble wrap to protect fragile items such as glasses and dishes. Use old blankets to protect large items such as mirrors, lamps and antique furniture. Or hire us and our professional packers and movers will take about all the furniture that you have.


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