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How Much Should You Save Before Moving to New York City

When times are tough and you decide to move to New York City you just have to know the average how much you need to save money to successfully settle down in New York City.

Approximately it will be three salaries that on average people earn in New York specifically in Manhattan. If you are moving from a different state First you need to rent a place and when it comes to renting a place you are trying to find a place for the budget. Nevertheless, you still have to pay for the first last month plus a deposit, still, a lot of money to put down for a rental property. It is what it is!
If you’re young and you decided to move to New York most of the people trying to move to New York City because they want to leave life full of entertainment they want to feel this vibe coming from the city and they just want to settle down here because they want to live a full life they want to take a bite from life and that’s why most of the young people trying to move there and this is especially challenging when you trying to move on by yourself.
Which most people do and on average you just don’t want to be ended up living in a small apartment for a while you just need to save money just not be occure in a stupid situation where you have no money to live with.
A job where you can only afford to live on the edge. That’s why when you move to New York you just need to prepare yourself for that and get some extra cash approximately around $15,000. If you don’t have that amount of cash you can open up the credit card simply for the first time just afford to live there and once you get to live in Manhattan. Therefore at least like a year you can change the job and find a better solution find the better place where you can live and what you can afford usually most people choosing Williamsburg as a place to settle down while they’re living in New York, not all the people can afford  Manhattan to live in.

Don’t get me wrong Manhattan is great but not for everybody especially if you are on the budget. Most of the young people and young professionals don’t have that much cash that requires to live a full life, especially with the pandemic going on right now. Also when you’re moving to New York you just need to forget about the car. You cannot pay for parking all the time. The transportation system is not great there but at least it’s affordable and you can use it for everyday transportation. Most of the people moving to New York just find a job as well as a good lifestyle. On average people move to NYC  between 20 to 35 years old.

If you’re over 40 you probably don’t want to live in New York. But this is my opinion, of course, you can live whenever you want at any age you want, but if you are trying to have a family usually moving outside of the city this is just a normal thing that people do but that’s not going be this is not for everybody, so if you decide to settle down in the city you just need to earn a lot of money at least $200,000 to live in New York and be comfortable to live in this environment if you can do that, that is great that means that you can live and enjoy full life living in New York City dream!


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